Monday, February 23, 2009

March 21 it is then...

Well, Anna Bligh decided to go to the Governor and get an election today. My wife thought I was mad for suggesting she'd go early "Don't you listen to the news? She said she's going full term!" says Mrs Rosin.

So the race is now good and proper. I've got 27 days to convince thousands of people to Put a Green in Greenslopes. It's a big ask and a tough run at this time of the year. I can't just get snap leave from work at the busiest time of the year so it's going to be early mornings, late nights and long weekends.

If you can help out, send me an email or leave a comment.


At February 25, 2009 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Onya Dazza, I got here via a google ad link on Craig Johnstone's Pineapple Politics Blog, where Queensland Health's IT fiasco is dismembered. : worth a read
When I hear Greenslopes, I hear Repat, and now privatised medicine. If I were you, I'd be making queensland health my special subject, co-ordinating with Gary who's got the Mater on his patch, to critique the Bettie/Bligh deriliction nof duty. He's also got NEHTA in his back yard, if you can get on top of the area and exploit QH's and roxon's utter hopelessness in being able to harness comms technology for public health outcomes, well IMO, it wouoold make the greens look a lot grown up from the "one issue party" popular misconcoption. Have you got the PA too?
Anyways there's a one stop shop for historical queensland health info here . see archive at bottom.
Someone should also be asking what's come out of beattie's 2007 $414 million climate change strategy.... apart from Anna putting her husband in charge of the purse strings bypassing usual appointment procedures. Can we expect as good a performence in climate as we got with transport, his old job, incidentally fenlon's as well? And now they put up another labor mate , yet another Dick, to get their face in the trough. It's not just good enough.

Good Luck,

At February 27, 2009 at 8:40 PM , Blogger Darryl Rosin said...

Thanks for the good wishes Anonymous!

QHealth is a mess and has been for years. I'm a delegate with the Austrlian Services Union which represents clerical workers in Hospitals and you wouldn't believe the stories I've heard over the years. (Actually, you probably would...) Stephen Robertson, just to name the most recent Minister, has never even looked like he was on top of what's going on.

What is going on with the 'climate change strategy'? Labor's climate change response is "sell more coal as quickly as possible" and pretend everything is OK, and the Nationals... well, could anyone take them seriously on a topic like Climate Change?

I'll get more substantive posts on these issues up over the next couple of days...



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Authorised by Desi Achilleos, 22 Frith Street South Brisbane