Friday, May 22, 2009

Hello again

If I had regular readers, they would have noticed that nothing has happened here since the state election. I'm thinking of changing things around a bit and kicking something off, but I've been rather occupied by a new job, growing children and, recently, exams and assignments.

But I see ol' mate Possum has leapt off from a twitter exchange we had this morning and asked a very good question of his readership: "Why don't you vote Green". He's kindly included a link to this little ol' blog, so I thought I should rush up a quick "Hello" to anyone who comes over for a squizz.

So, not a lot to see, but post a comment to let me know you've come by. Over the weekend I'll publish some responses to the comments at Possum's. And any that show up here as well!

Authorised by Desi Achilleos, 22 Frith Street South Brisbane